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resume の類義語 Resume = to then continue doing something after previously stopping Example: I resumed playing my piano after dinner. -Means that I stopped playing when dinner started and played again after dinner. Restart = start all over again from scratch (nothing) Example: I restarted my computer. -Means that I shut it down but it started …
英文履歴書(英文レジュメ)」(CV /Resume)とは. 英文履歴書は、日本の一般的な履歴書と職務経歴書を合わせた 学位に関しては以下を使い分けましょう. 学士号: Bachelor of 学部 or 専攻; 修士号: Master of 学部 or 専攻; 博士号: Doctor of 学部 or 専攻